Bunion / Bunionette

Essentially, a bunion is a bony protrusion found at the big toe/ or small toe’s metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, which is the point where the toe connects to the foot. The bump extends out to the side, along the inner or outer edge of the foot. In response to instability in the midfoot and the MTP joint and a subsequent misalignment of the bones that form it (the phalangeal and metatarsal bones). In this condition, the phalangeal bone in the big or small toe begins to angle inwards—towards the other four toes—which then pushes the MTP joint out of position.

The most recognizable symptom of the condition is an abnormal bump on the inside or outside of the foot. In many cases, bunions are swollen, red, and sore. Due to friction and pressure on the bunion from footwear, there is usually an increased risk of calluses and corns. This is also a problem when the big toe pushes the 2nd toe up and over, causing it to overlap the big toe.

Causes of Bunions

Whereas women’s shoes are often blamed, the root cause for bunions is pressure from shifting and weight-bearing on joints and tendons in the feet. This is especially the case when force loads are unevenly distributed, which then leads to unstable midtarsal joints and MTP joint.

Treatment and Bunion Surgery

There is an array of treatment options for bunions, with the ones proving to be most effective varying based on severity of the bunion and symptoms experienced. Generally, we will usually begin with conservative, nonsurgical options to relieve bunion pain and symptoms. If there is continued pain or concern once conservative care has been exhausted, then surgical options can be entertained.

Our hope is that conservative care will effectively address the problem, but the only way to completely correct a bunion is with surgery. This condition is progressive in nature, which means it cannot be reversed and will continue to worsen when left untreated. The goal of bunion surgery is to provide you with the comfort you need by restoring the toe and the affected joint to their natural positions. This can be achieved through various surgical methods.

When you are suffering from one of these common toe deformities, come see Dr. Mary K. Benjamin-Swonger in Scottsdale, Arizona to evaluate your condition. She will help to determine the best course of treatment and carefully explain your options based on your complaint, goals and expectations, activity, and overall health. If bunion surgery is advised, you can take comfort knowing you are in the hands of an experienced, knowledgeable foot surgeon.

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